Show stories

Papamanolis about 8 hours ago

Show HN: My first side project, streamlined book clubs on Slack

BookTalk Club is an online platform that enables book lovers to discuss and share their thoughts on a wide range of literary works, fostering a vibrant community of readers and promoting the joy of reading.
78 35
Maxamillion96 about 1 hour ago

Show HN: Curatrs – Scheduled Programming for Podcasts

Like many of us, I got tired of scrolling endlessly through podcast apps trying to find the right show for my commute. So I built Curatrs ( - it brings radio-style scheduled programming to podcast discovery.

Instead of endless scrolling, you get podcasts programmed for specific times and durations. Currently in early MVP, built with Vite/Supabase, focused on making discovery more intentional and time-based.

Would appreciate any feedback, especially from regular podcast listeners
3 0
Show HN: FlashSpace – fast, open-source, macOS Spaces replacement
wojciech-kulik 1 day ago

Show HN: FlashSpace – fast, open-source, macOS Spaces replacement

I've recently launched a new open-source project aimed at enhancing the experience of switching between Spaces/workspaces on macOS. The built-in Spaces feature is often slow and unfriendly. This project is designed to boost your productivity :). Enjoy!
237 97
Show HN: I made a Kotlin REPL with multiline editor, highlighting and completion
darthorimar about 3 hours ago

Show HN: I made a Kotlin REPL with multiline editor, highlighting and completion

I’ve created a Kotlin REPL for the terminal with support for multiline code editing, interconnected cells, code completion, and error highlighting.
2 0
Show HN: Daily-notes.nvim – fuzzy time journal and planning plugin
fdavies93 about 15 hours ago

Show HN: Daily-notes.nvim – fuzzy time journal and planning plugin

I wrote an nvim plugin that does fuzzy time parsing on plain english dates to help you create + organise periodic notes. I use it daily at work and home. Hope it's helpful to others. :)

note: not using NLP, LLMs or 'true' fuzzy parsing as per academic literature; just normal recursive descent parsing
56 19
hellcow 1 day ago

Show HN: Chez Scheme txtar port from Go

This is a loose port of, which concatenates files together and allows for a top-level comment.

The txtar format is specifically designed to be easy for humans to read and write by hand. It's perfect for test data.

The library itself tries to follow scheme standards by depending on only SRFIs (and if you're new to scheme like me, SRFI stands for "Scheme Requests For Implementation," and it's like a standard library). I hope this is a helpful showcase of a scheme library!

I'm also new to writing scheme, and if any experienced scheme/lisp devs are out there with feedback, that would be much appreciated.
67 7
Show HN: Ocal – AI Calendar That Schedules Assignments for You
mspyke about 8 hours ago

Show HN: Ocal – AI Calendar That Schedules Assignments for You

We built Ocal, an AI-powered calendar that automatically schedules assignments as soon as they’re assigned.

We realized that most students don’t struggle with time management because they’re lazy—they struggle because time planning itself is an overhead. The mental effort of estimating task durations, figuring out when to work, and actually doing the work is non-trivial. So we decided to eliminate that friction.

How It Works: 1 LMS Integration (Canvas for now) – Ocal scans your assignments, extracts deadlines, and understands task complexity. 2 AI-Scheduled Work Blocks – Based on your habits (night owl vs. early bird), Ocal schedules the work comfortably ahead of deadlines—no more cramming. 3 Subtle Weekly Adjustments – Each week, Ocal subtly tweaks your schedule, nudging you toward your ideal workflow without a disruptive overhaul. 4 Social Scheduling (Coming Soon) – Friend people, see when they’re free/busy (privacy-first), and let AI find optimal times for study groups, workouts, or board game nights.

Why This Matters: Most productivity tools still rely on manual scheduling—we don’t. Ocal makes time blocking effortless, helping students get work done early and reclaim time. No decision fatigue. No planning paralysis. Just execution.

What’s Next? We’ve been building for a week. Ocal is not fully built for institutions yet, but it’s developed enough for people to start testing. If you’re a student or productivity geek, we’d love for you to poke around and tell us what works, what sucks, and what features you'd love to see.

Check it out & let us know what you think!
39 26
Show HN: Neovim Plugin for iOS and macOS Development
wojciech-kulik about 9 hours ago

Show HN: Neovim Plugin for iOS and macOS Development

Over two years ago, I began exploring whether it was possible to shift my iOS development to Neovim. It took me over six months to resolve all issues and figure out how to connect everything, creating an environment with all the features required for development.

After that, I decided to develop my own plugin to enable others to do the same. Since then, I have been developing apps for iOS and macOS using Neovim, for both my professional work and personal projects with no issues.

This change has significantly boosted my productivity, and I no longer have to deal with Xcode's flaws. I can accomplish 95% of my work without needing to open Xcode.

Before that, it seemed impossible to develop for Apple platforms outside of Xcode. I'm proud that I was stubborn enough to make it work after all those failures along the way.

Neovim is an amazing project <3.
3 0
Show HN: ExpenseOwl – Simple, self-hosted expense tracker
import-base64 2 days ago

Show HN: ExpenseOwl – Simple, self-hosted expense tracker

ExpenseOwl is an open-source expense tracking application that allows users to easily manage their personal or business expenses. The application provides features such as expense categorization, report generation, and budget management to help users stay on top of their financial expenses.
205 82
Show HN: Play with real quantum physics in your browser
mattvr 5 days ago

Show HN: Play with real quantum physics in your browser

I wanted to make the simplest app to introduce myself and others to quantum computing.

Introducing, Schrödinger's Coin. Powered by a simple Hadamard gate[0] on IBM quantum, with this app you can directly interact with a quantum system to experience true randomness.

Thoughts? Could you see any use cases for yourself of this? Or, does it inspire any other ideas of yours? Curious what others on HN think!

145 70
Show HN: Automated Sorting of group photos by user defined N people in each pic
Karvy 5 days ago

Show HN: Automated Sorting of group photos by user defined N people in each pic

Give sample pictures of yourself and your loved ones (for face-detection) and find the pictures you have together from a bunch (through face- recognition)
29 3
dytpq0404 about 9 hours ago

Show HN: Newtler, News and Butler

Create a personalized feed that fits your unique needs, combining updates from news, blogs, YouTube, newsletters and more. With real-time updates and AI-powered content briefs, you can zero in on what matters most, all in one simple, organized place.
3 0
godlabs about 9 hours ago

Show HN: Create Beautiful Music Visualizers

Made Chimp to create music visualizers:

1. Choose a template

2. Upload audio or generate with Suno

3. Generate subtitles

4. Customize particles, waveforms, logo, background

5. Export as video
5 0
Show HN: Lreng – My small programming language written in C
leonw774 about 10 hours ago

Show HN: Lreng – My small programming language written in C

This is my side project for the past few months. I started it because I just learned about functional programming and at the same time want to write something cool in C.

Web playground:
5 1
Show HN: Epte – Cross platform clipboard manager and launcher built with Flutter
monroewalker about 10 hours ago

Show HN: Epte – Cross platform clipboard manager and launcher built with Flutter
3 0
sirobg 4 days ago

Show HN: HN as TikTok, welcome to HN hell

Inspired by WikiTok (

After making HN paradise:

I had to make

Fully created with wanted to make the joke but didn't have time for it. Thanks v0!

It's even better as you will probably enjoy some very cursed errors/problems, which is expected in hell.
163 58
WiggleGuy 2 days ago

Show HN: A website that heatmaps your city based on your housing preferences

For the past few months, I've been working on a website that answers two different questions:

- Where in my city have the best travel times to all the things and people I care about?

- Given a listing, how far is it from all the things and people I care about?

Personally this was fueled by my own frustrations when I was apartment hunting in NYC. I was frustrating to have to juggle so many Google Maps tabs when I was evaluating a listing, and it was also annoying to not have full confidence that I was even searching in the right places.

I wanted to be close to work, a Trader Joe's, and a major park. Given that public transportation networks can sometimes make close things hard to get to and far things easy to get to, it's not always obvious whether a neighborhood actually even fits my criteria or not!

The overarching goal of is to allow you to make more informed moving decisions while also making things more convenient than they are today.

It can generate detailed travel time breakdowns for individual listings and addresses, making it easier to determine whether a listing is worth applying for without juggling Google Maps tabs. This is great for questions like “How far is this apartment from my friends, work and dancing gyms?”

It also has the powerful ability to heatmap a city based on which parts of it are close or not to the people and places you care about. This is great for questions like “Where in the city would I be reasonably close to work, friends and a woodworking studio?”

You can add these heatmaps to sites like Zillow and Streeteasy to make things super convenient (this was very fun to make).

The main thing that's on my mind is whether this is useful or not. Like, is this something you would actually use? I also have other ideas I'd like to eventually intergrate into this (crime heatmaps, noise heatmaps, etc)
309 97
Show HN: Open-source self-hosted AI voice interviewer platform for Hiring
suveen_ellawela about 16 hours ago

Show HN: Open-source self-hosted AI voice interviewer platform for Hiring
5 2
routerl 5 days ago

Show HN: Mandarin Word Segmenter with Translation

I've built mandoBot, a web app that segments and translates Mandarin Chinese text. This is a Django API (using Django-Ninja and PostgreSQL) and a NextJS front-end (with Typescript and Chakra). For a sample of what this app does, head to This is my presentation of the first chapter of a classic story from the Republican era of Chinese fiction, Diary of a Madman by Lu Xun. Other chapters are located in the "Reading Room" section of the app.

This app exists because reading Mandarin is very hard for learners (like me), since Mandarin text does not separate words using spaces in the same way Western languages do. But extensive reading is the most effective way to learn vocabulary and grammar. Thus, learning Mandarin by reading requires first memorizing hundreds or thousands of words, before you can even know where one word ends and the next word begins.

I'm solving this problem by allowing users to input Mandarin text, which is then computationally segmented and machine translated by my server, which also adds dictionary definitions for each word and character. The hard part is the segmentation: it turns out that "Chinese Word Segmentation"[0] is the central problem in Chinese Natural Language Processing; no current solutions reach 100% accuracy, whether they're from Stanford[1], Academia Sinica[2], or Tsing Hua University[3]. This includes every LLM currently available.

I could talk about this for hours, but the bottom line is that this app is a way to develop my full-stack skills; the backend should be fast, accurate, secure, well-tested, and well-documented, and the front-end should be pretty, secure, well-tested, responsive, and accessible. I am the sole developer, and I'm open to any comments and suggestions:

Thanks HN!




47 31
Show HN: An API that takes a URL and returns a file with browser screenshots
gkamer8 3 days ago

Show HN: An API that takes a URL and returns a file with browser screenshots

This open-source project provides a web scraper tool written in Python that allows users to extract data from various websites. The scraper offers a range of features, including multi-thread scraping, dynamic page rendering, and support for different data formats.
204 98
Show HN: Turn Screenshots into Designs Instantly
sidebread about 23 hours ago

Show HN: Turn Screenshots into Designs Instantly
23 17
Show HN: Transductive regular expressions for text editing
c0nstantine 2 days ago

Show HN: Transductive regular expressions for text editing

An extension of regular expressions for text editing, with a grep-like command-line tool. If you, like me, struggle with group logic in regular expressions, you might find it useful.

I wanted to do this for a very long time. It is more of a sketch or prototype. I'd really appreciate your feedback!
256 91
Show HN: Marksmith – a GitHub-style Markdown editor for Ruby on Rails
adrianthedev 6 days ago

Show HN: Marksmith – a GitHub-style Markdown editor for Ruby on Rails

The article discusses the creation of a Markdown editor in Ruby on Rails, focusing on the Marksmith library, which provides a simple and customizable solution for adding Markdown editing functionality to a Rails application.
158 27
Show HN: Tuono – Fullstack web framework based on ReactJS and Rust
valerioa about 15 hours ago

Show HN: Tuono – Fullstack web framework based on ReactJS and Rust

Hi folks, I started thinking some time ago about how to use ReactJS's server-side features with backends that aren’t specifically built with Node.js or Deno.

After some research, I found that the only strict requirement is a JS engine for server-side rendering, while the rest of the runtime can be in any language.

For this reason, I started developing a full-stack ReactJS web framework with a Rust-based backend (the API draws heavy inspiration from Next.js).

The server performance is already impressive, with a 4x improvement over the latest Next.js. We’re tracking it in a separate repository:

The project aims to support the delivery of traffic-intensive apps, taking advantage of the strong library support available in both technologies.

Server-side rendering is already functional, and we're continuously adding new features.

I would love to hear your feedback.

Valerio (
4 0
Show HN: Heap Explorer
bkallus 4 days ago

Show HN: Heap Explorer

I wrote a little LD_PRELOAD library that makes it easy to inspect and interact with a running program's glibc heap.

It's fun to pause processes, free a bunch of their allocations, then resume them. Most of the time, the processes continue as though nothing happened, but sometimes they do interesting things :)
72 5
Show HN: SQLite disk page explorer
QuadrupleA 3 days ago

Show HN: SQLite disk page explorer

The article introduces a SQLite page explorer tool that allows users to inspect the internal structure and contents of SQLite databases. The tool provides a visual interface for navigating and analyzing SQLite pages, making it a valuable resource for developers working with SQLite databases.
281 39
daniel0306 about 16 hours ago

Show HN: Morse Code Translator and Converter – Online Free Tool is a free online tool that allows users to translate text to and from Morse code. The website provides a simple interface for converting messages between plain text and Morse code, making it a useful resource for learning and practicing Morse communication.
2 0
Miguel07Code 4 days ago

Show HN: ArXivTok

I made this, and it's fully open source so if someone wants to contribute here you have the url:

For this project I was inspired by
105 51
noduerme 3 days ago

Show HN: An homage to Tom Dowdy's 1991 screensaver, "Kaos"

So, I was about 11 years old and just got my first Mac, a IIsi, and of course everyone had AfterDark, but there was this other screensaver program called "Dark Side of the Mac". And within it was, I think now, the most beautiful screensaver ever written. It was called Kaos.

Kaos would take anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds to slowly iterate on a single image, starting with a few colored dots and growing into webs within webs of algorithmic beauty.

I'm not sure how Tom Dowdy actually wrote the program. What I've done here is to try to reverse engineer how it might have worked, but to animate it at the same time.

Freezing a frame (by clicking) seems to often yield something close to the original. My method is to cycle between 1 and 30 lines, with spaced out pixels, and then iterate the whole buffer to draw fainter and fainter points within a radius from any point that's already lit, while also amplifying the ones that were lit before and shifting their colors slightly at the same time.

Anyway, I did this tonight but I've been thinking about it for weeks, so, I hope someone enjoys it. Cheers!
153 74
Show HN: Tiny library for more beautiful Python outputs
zalzal about 20 hours ago

Show HN: Tiny library for more beautiful Python outputs

Just a few super minimal conveniences, in case anyone finds them useful.

It was one of those cases where the standard libs seem to make things too complicated so you write it yourself.
2 0