Author: ColinWright Posted: Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Cliff Stoll, the mad scientist who wrote the book on how to hunt hackers (2019)

Cliff Stoll, the mad scientist who wrote the book on how to hunt hackers (2019)
Zumi Article summary

The linked article is about Cliff Stoll's 1986 hunt for a hacker that led to the discovery of state-sponsored hacking, which he detailed in his digital detective memoir, "The Cuckoo's Egg." The book has since become a classic, inspiring a generation of cyber defenders. Stoll prioritized the tracking of his hacker, working under his desk at nights to transcribe every keystroke the hacker typed in real-time, setting up printers simulating the first intrusion detection system. Stoll’s fans in the industry argue that he pioneered techniques out of necessity that later became standard practice. Beyond his book and conference talks, Stoll hasn't worked in the cybersecurity industry for decades and now focuses on his whimsical interests, such as blown glass Klein bottles. 158
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