Show HN: I put PubMed in a vector DB

The linked article is about a website called PubMed Search, which is a search engine for biomedical literature. The website provides a simple and intuitive interface for searching the PubMed database, which is a comprehensive database of citations and abstracts for biomedical literature. The website allows users to perform quick and easy searches, filter and sort results, and save their search history. The article highlights the website's user-friendly design and its ability to help researchers and healthcare professionals quickly find relevant information in the vast PubMed database.

mpmiskoThursday, April 25, 2024



Hi HN,

As a researcher, I often found myself struggling with the limitations of keyword-based search when exploring PubMed papers. To address this, I created PubMed Search (, a tool that leverages a vector database to enable semantic search across medical research literature.

Some key features:

* Daily updates to ensure access to the latest articles

* Semantic search using latest & greatest embedding models

* Some additional useful info about the papers (tldr, journal, publication date, etc.)

Hope you find it useful!
