Show HN: I made a spaced repetition tool to master coding problems

The linked article is about the website, which provides a platform for creating and sharing interactive web experiences. The article highlights the key features of the platform, including the ability to build interactive web experiments, visualizations, and simulations without coding. It emphasizes the user-friendly interface and the availability of pre-built templates and examples to help users get started. The article also mentions the potential applications of the platform in areas such as education, research, and creative expression.

cubemasterFriday, April 26, 2024



As you solve LeetCode questions, you can mark them as hard, medium, or easy. The tool will then recommend questions you should review based on (1) how hard the question was for you and (2) how much time has passed since you last reviewed it. I'd recommend normally attempting LeetCode problems and just marking them as hard, medium, or easy for you at first so the tool knows which problems to recommend you review!

Here's the theory behind spaced repetition and learning if interested:
