
It Can Apply Positive in Favor Newton III Law in Motion Dynamic System Device?

monterrey Saturday, November 30, 2024

Is It Possible Apply Positive + Newton III Motion Law as Dynamic System in a Motor Engine

III/3rd Thermodynamic Law Applicate in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at From of the Action. New Torque Power. Its a simple Plus Formula of the Interaction of the Two Powers: 1/Action, + 2/Reaction = Retrodynamic. / For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 2 Forces in 1 System.

RETRODYNAMIC Effect - Dextrogiro => vs <= Levogiro Phenomena Effect. / Rotor/RPM VS InFlow/Way. 2dn Thermodynamic Law Applicated in a Power-Plant Device. The Reaction at From of the Action. New Torque Power. Its a simple Pluse Formula of the Interaction of the Two Powers: 1/Accion, + 2/Reaction = Retrodynamic.

"Changing rotation inside a mass makes it possible to change its inertial properties. It is the equation for a jet motion without rejection of any mass.” Albert Einstein.

The formula of the Retrodinamic effect is a simple mathematical summation and plus. What is Dextrogiro plus Levogiro, gives the result of the sum, of what is the total, which is the retrodynamic effect. But keeps doing Exponential.

The logic of creation of an inertial propulsion system is thus: Any motion is rotation ---- Rotation of a matter generates a space-time Torsion ---Torsion of space - time is described by Ricci torsion --- Ricci torsion is an inertial field-----the rest mass of any object is determined by its inertial field---- operating by fields and forces of inertia inside of mass we can create inertial propulsion system which moves according to the equation [m (t) dv/dt =-vdm/dt].

Newton's Third Law of Motion: III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Retrodynamic Effect, It is the sum of both (two) Forces Actives - one to other / Are two Forces in one system. Spinning 2Two Opposites Forces (Like the Ying-Yang Concept) on a Central Axis in a Rotary Manner Way.

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