
Ask HN: Do you know travel blogs that have animated SVG maps of their travels?

trebeljahr Tuesday, February 04, 2025

I'm searching for a travel blog that wrote a tutorial on how they created custom SVG animations for the routes he took along his trips.

I've been banging my head against Google for a solid 3-4 hours at this point but it is pointless to try to search something there these days so I come here.

I remember that the blogger in question was into photography and photographed the Te Whanganui-A-Hei (Cathedral Cove) in New Zealand during early morning with no people there and wrote a post about the process. And of course they had these small SVG animations of their trips at the top of their posts, with a map displaying the route they took, animating the path.

They wrote a pretty in-depth article about how they accomplished this with the help of some custom JS and SVG animations too and I am after that article.

If you know the name of the blog that would absolutely make my day!

Please also feel free to answer if you know anything similar to the title of the blog where somebody has created stylized animated SVG maps of their trips and documented the process they used to create those.

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