Tell HN: Look Where You're Driving
dusted Tuesday, February 04, 2025So, I've been using git professionally on a daily basis the past ~13 years.
Today I was reminded of a specific way you can blow your leg off, not watching the road while driving.. or the terminal while typing!
I guess the server was slow today.
~/code/ $ git clone --recurse-submodules git@code.corp:project/project.git Cloning into 'project'... remote: Enumerating objects: 10978, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (10978/10978), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3151/3151), done. ^Cceiving objects: 50% (1576/3152), 83.91 MiB | 41.93 MiB/s ~/code/ $ rm -Rf pr[tab] $ rm -Rf project_modules[enter]
So I start checking out the repository, realize that I don't wanna do tha anyway and ctrl+c / rm -R pro[tab] (since project_modules is the only other folder that'd complete this, and it'd match project first..)
Well, this time, git had either not created the project directory yet, or it managed to clean it up when I aborted, so my expansion went a bit wrong.
This wouldn't have happened if I'd have looked at the terminal and read both what I typed AND what the software printed back, but I didn't because youtube started playing a song I'd not heard before (it was Tessa Violet - Haze), so I was looking at the other display just as I realized I didn't wanna check out that repo anyway, and did the [enter] part of "rm -R pro[tab][enter]" just about the same time my eyes jumped back to the terminal, so it took a second or two before I realized what I'd done.
Now, my leg is not blown off too bad, my home partition is on zfs and it takes 8 snapshots per day, but it COULD have been blown off somewhat.
Drive carefully.